
All posts tagged travel

All at sea

Published August 6, 2018 by alisondormaar

Image result for free images of noahs ark

Dreams are funny things. All too often they waft through your subconscious like some surreal Salvador Dali painting, making no apparent rhyme or reason, yet upon wakening you feel that somehow there should be something you should learn or find out from the experience. For two nights in a row I found myself on board Noah’s Ark – but as to how or why I had somehow earned that rare privilege, I do not know. However, I can reliably impart that the ark I found myself on was a far cry from the huge wooden floating barn of several thousand years ago.

It all started when I was picked up from home via a bus shuttle, and upon proffering my Golden ticket of passage (don’t ask me how I acquired that!) I was ushered aboard and told to move down to the back to make room for more passengers. We were told our luggage was already en route to the departing vessel, and upon arriving at the scene of departure, beheld a huge open sports playing field devoid of any water but hosting a ginormous ocean liner on the grass. I was ushered aboard with all due courtesy, noting from the corner of my eye the huge queue of various animals proceeding up a gangplank to the lower levels, all duly tagged and carrying their various customs and quarantine papers which they all presented to a friendly steward to be stamped before embarking. Soft music was piped through the intercom, and I found myself shown to a luxurious oceanview suite, complete with minibar, ensuite, TV/DVD, coffee making facilities, a queen sized bed and a small private sitting room. A complimentary basket of fruit was on the coffee table along with a brochure of the ship’s amenities and a general itinerary for the next forty days and nights. I had no sooner taken a seat than the captain’s polished tones came over the intercom “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the Captain speaking. We will be shortly witnessing a most interesting and never to be repeated weather event. Refreshments will be served shortly in the main ballroom on the second deck where we will have an unparalleled view. Smart casual dress is required.” In no time at all I found myself in a cocktail dress and heels under an ornate ceiling complete with chandeliers, a chilled glass in hand and watching with disembodied disbelief as the skies outside darkened considerably. A massive crack of thunder briefly lit up the ballroom and we could all hear the thunderous rain teeming down outside. Going over to the balcony, I could see people  standing in the middle of the city streets in the distance staring with dumb disbelief at the water pooling higher and higher around their ankles and then their knees. Then out of nowhere a massive wave roared in blocking everything from sight and our ship was seaborne, lurching sharply enough to send us all scrambling for a safe seat. I have a vague recollection of stewards coming in with platters of cocktail snacks, but I woke up at that point and found myself wondering what happened after that. I especially wanted to know what would happen once the forty day/night cruise was over and we found ourselves atop Ararat.

So how does one interpret something like this? Is something telling me that a cruise is on the cards? Or is this a more ominous portent of the consequences of global warming? Read into this what you will, but if anyone out there has any ideas how this weird tale would end, by all means let me know!

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Consumer Carnage at the Checkout

Published October 9, 2017 by alisondormaar

Ahhh, the good old days of customer service. Remember those? If you are under 35, you should do. You know, when people were employed in steady jobs by the supermarkets to actually pack your bags, and surprise, surprise, ring up your purchases at the till before speeding you on your way with pleasant wishes for a nice day? Nostalgia is a funny thing.

I have a distinct grudge against self service checkouts. Not only do they cheapen the image and good reputation of any major store, but I heartily resent that in far too many cases a large number of these jobs, both full time and part time, have been “disestablished”, to use that sickening modern term for being fired. In the volatile world of the modern economy, most of us cannot afford to be job snobs, and I have seen too many former executives, medical professionals and the like who have been obliged to get jobs like these to tide them over when their careers falter and they get “disestablished” by the latest round of governmental and corporate cutbacks, and even jobs for merely collecting trolleys from the supermarket carpark – once the domain of teenage schoolboys seeking after-school pocket money and a bit of work experience – are now often hotly contested by people twice the age and with oceans more experience. So to have the cost-cutting powers that be enforce self service on me is somewhat cheap, penny pinching, infuriating and rather condescending. I feel like asking if they are going to pay me for the labour and time involved, and sometimes wonder if I dare submit my bill for services rendered.

I have become especially irate concerning airport check-in procedures nowadays. Not long ago I went overseas for a weeks’ break, somehow convincing myself that air travel was a tad more upmarket than ordinary travel, and remembering the slight frisson of happy excitement I used to get when boarding planes. This time, instead of the happy tingle at the airport departure lounge, I felt it to be more of an electric cattle prod. Hardly any airport staff are in evidence, and in the place of attractive, smiling ladies in smart uniforms behind glossy counters you have soulless, Dalek like creations in the middle of the floor that mindlessly swallows your passsport whole, burp and belch over a few blinking lights, then spits out your passport again plus your boarding pass and a string of luggage tags from a cheap plastic sheath that somehow looks like an anus. After lassooing your bags with the tags, you then have to corral them onto the baggage conveyor belt yourself – haaah, hahhhhh! – and the whip cracks again as the lowing boarding herd, all now stripped of their wordly possessions blindly streams towards the departure gates – or the sheep run, as I call it – and the next round of clicking, blinking cameras and machines – haaah, hahhhh! By the time the flight is called at the boarding gate and you have shown your passport and pass for the dozenth time, you half expect to hear the sizzling rasp of the branding iron on the back of your hand…yeeeehahhhhh! Oh yeah, and have you noticed how the average economy seat packs you in real tight, just like a can of corned beef…ah well, they don’t call modern air travel cattle class for nothing, do they?

I used to think we as humans were better than just a number. Strange, isn’t it, that the global pursuit of dollars and cents can reduce even the best of us now into merely nothing.

Want to conquer a really good read while your’re about it? If you like A J Dormaar’s style, check out her latest release “The Rival”, following the hilarious pawprints of a spoiled cat fighting his mistress’s no-good boyfriend for mastery, is now available via

Don’t forget the following books for all fantasy lovers over the age of 10! For all you fans of epic high adventure, you can’t go past these ones!



Self service equals no service

Published May 27, 2015 by alisondormaar

A while ago I left off steam about the new cattle runs being installed in the likes of Kmart and most major supermarkets. I thought at first this may be a passing anomaly (ohhh my, was I being naive!) but nooo. There is a definite quirk in human nature that dictates that where one chief lemming lurches, everyone else must jump as well. Many of you may be of an age to remember the hit Monty Python film “Life of Brian” where quasi messiah Brian is pursued relentlessly by a host of mindless worshipping morons (a classic quote is “Yup he’s the Messiah! I should know, I’ve followed a few!”) This translates into modern life where it seems the nuttier the idea the more likely it is to be adapted by the powers that be, especially if they think a few cents can be scrimped from it.

Last week I was in Melbourne for a few days. Ahhh, that lovely cultured, shopaholic paradise. Once upon a time travelling by plane was an experience to be savoured, enjoyed, recalled with nostalgia over cuppas with friends and family. One now gets to the airport, to be greeted by a mooing, crushing herd of confused two footed cattle tripping over luggage trolleys and bawling calves (er, children). We are now shoved into mindless queues by mindless computerised stations where, under the guise of so called ‘smart passports” we do all our own sign in and baggage check in (do YOU get paid for doing all this extra work for the flight company? And how many jobs has all this done away with????) While fumbling over passports, departure cards, boarding passes and duty free dockets, the instruction over the loudspeakers never stops (“Proceed to departure lounge! Make sure your documents are with you! Hahhh hahhhh!”) You stand in a security doorway staring dead ahead while the camera goes FLASH and you stumble forth in a state of bewilderment while your boarding pass turns to mush in your little hot hand. And before you know it it is checked, clicked and you are urged down a human gangplank and onto the waiting cargo vessel in the guise of a passenger plane. When you finally come across your seat you will know how a penned pig or a battery hen must feel as you wish you had a shoehorn to ease yourself in – only to discover you’re sitting on your neighbour’s seatbelt. And what’s more, these days one usually has to buy any snacks en flight for an exorbitant price, and then you raffle through the packets wondering just how much of this stuff has any real food content.

All this, and hardly a direct human word or even a glancing smile.

I for one have had enough of cattle class. While such economies may be necessary for jaded frequent flyers etc, for those of us like me who make air travel an annual event or less often, WE WANT SERVICE. We want to see that our spent money is going towards decent, reliable jobs and an airline we can take pride in. We want to smell that freshly brewed coffee as it is poured with care into china cups and hear those little words “Is there something else we can help you with?” and not refer to some heartless database on a terminal screen that hiccups every few seconds and makes you resume your data entry from scratch.

Ummm. Personal service. You never know, it is now such a nutty idea it might just take off one day…

Want to know more abut the world of A J Dormaar? Check her out on Facebook viaAuthor A J Dormaar – Fan Page or tweet @AlisonDormaar to find out about her great books and much more!

Latest release “The Rival”, following the hilarious pawprints of a spoiled cat fighting his mistress’s no-good boyfriend for mastery, is now available via

Don’t forget the following books for all fantasy lovers over the age of 10! For all you Hobbit and of
Thrones aficionados, you can’t go past these ones!