
All posts for the month June, 2016

The Gods Must Be Crazy…well, at least the terrorists…

Published June 29, 2016 by alisondormaar

I am by no means a great bible scholar. There are many learned doctors of theology, priests, pastors, rabbis, imams etc in the world who know religious scriptures inside out, and if world religion has a common thread to it, it is that they never give women credit for very much, if anything, at all. Someday I really want to ask God about that one. Since Creation, and Eve’s fatal error, women have been made the scapegoats (by humanity anyway)for much of the world’s ills and portrayed as evil harlots, bitches, only good enough to scrape the leavings from men’s tables and to speak when spoken to.My argument is – how could Eve be that evil when at the dawn of time, is she was indeed a true innocent and when confronted by the serpent had no real knowledge of what she was doing? After all, the serpent sought Eve out, not the other way around! and let’s face it, it is Men who are responsible for the overwhelming majority of atrocities, wars and debaucheries on this planet.

This hatred against women is something that many modern day radicals continue to espouse, along with other deluded doctrines of hate, bigotry and ignorance. I feel sorry for the younger members of these groups, especially the ones such as ISIS, as they have been brainwashed since early adolescence into being just a cog in a huge, grinding wheel of destruction, cruelty and chaos without ever having a chance to think for themselves. Freedom of choice, God’s gift to us all, is being systematically routed out of far too many in this generation. Terror cells continue to bomb, ravage, shoot and behead their way across the world, ultimately to create the New World Order, but none of them seem to be able to tell the rest of us exactly what that will be or even how it will be governed. This just shows how clueless these mindless radicals really are when it comes to political and social reality. And if life back in their home countries was so idyllic (according to them), why oh why do so many continue to risk life and limb to seek asylum in the oh so decadent West, that terrible, demonic nest of infidels and harlots?

The Bible teaches us the world would descend into such chaos. As it says we indeed “run to and fro” without a clue as to why or how this should be. As I said, I am no great Bible scholar, but judging by the signs of the times, I truly believe now we could be seeing the Second Coming within the next decade or two. As the maniacs of this world continue to escalate their hate against all other existing life and limb, I am reminded of the saying “misery loves company”. These are very sorry, sad and sick individuals indeed.