The Mysterious World of “They”

Published November 9, 2017 by alisondormaar

As a child, I used to live in awe of They. You would hear this fearsome name spoken among the adults, often when they thought you were in bed and beyond earshot, usually when some late night news feature was on TV that was deemed unsuitable for juvenile viewing. From an early age I learned that They were responsible for all the terrible or significant things happening in the world, that They were all powerful and pervasive.

The only thing is, I never really figured out who They were. I would ask an adult and never got a straightforward answer, often being told not to worry about it, I was too young to understand. Contrary to what they wanted me to think, grown-ups certainly did not have all the answers.

Even now, a few decades later, They continue to haunt my existence. You hear They mentioned on the news and among conversations with colleagues and friends, but all too often no-one can pinpoint who They really is, was or will be. The best anyone can come up with is that this is some kind of shadowing faceless order intent on taking over the world as we know it, like in the form of the last-days New World Order, but when it comes to names or location, we hit a dead-end. They elude us once again.

They are always there. They are always watching. They are always intent on seizing power or control when the chance arises. They control the world finances, the wars, the politics. Presidents, prime ministers, despots and dictators alike are all pawns in the hands of They. We refer to They all the time, and no doubt some time soon a temple will be erected to They. They are truly a global, quasi religious organisation that encompasses continents, cultures and ordinary understanding. Perhaps They are the Illuminati, Satan Worshippers or some other dark cult, and maybe will feature some time soon in a Dan Brown thriller that will eclipse the Da Vinci Code.

Funny how a single term, They, can convey so much, isn’t it? We can try to pinpoint as best as we can who we THINK They is, but it never seems to be quite accurate. I suppose that for new generations of children, the shadowy world of They will continue to be their bogeyman, gossiped about in adult circles but forever eluding the understanding of the young or the unenlightened curious. Maybe we need to start up some form of Masonic order to help initiates understand the mechanisations of They better, but as with everything, some higher levels will continue to elude the general understanding. They will slink back into the shadowy abyss of human confusion and ignorance, forever there but just beyond our true grasp of comprehension as to their true purpose or identity.

Want to conquer a really good read while your’re about it? If you like A J Dormaar’s style, check out her latest release “The Rival”, following the hilarious pawprints of a spoiled cat fighting his mistress’s no-good boyfriend for mastery, is now available via

Don’t forget the following books for all fantasy lovers over the age of 10! For all you fans of epic high adventure, you can’t go past these ones!

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