Cinema Carnage (or close enough!)

Published July 14, 2016 by alisondormaar

I love going to the movies.

Check that. I USED to like going to the movies.

That is, until I made the grave error of going to a session during school holidays.

Maybe I’m showing my age, but when did it become the morally defensible thing to get up from one’s seat at the end of the film, tip half a tonne of uneaten popcorn all on the floor, jazz it up with a tankerload of undrunk fizz and then add a score of spilled sweets and smashed crisps for good measure?

Someone the other day, in answer to my rant, casually mentioned that is what cinema attendants are there for. You know, those teenage minions in their cheap uniforms on minimum pay (or close enough) who take your tickets, dispense ice creams and that ill-fated popcorn by the bucketload and then who have the undesirable task of cleaning up after the hordes of modern day junior barbarians who swarm forth from the cinemas after the sessions to descend en mass into the unsuspecting shopping malls to wreak havoc elsewhere. Maybe you and yours actually like treading on the ensuing sea of crunchy goo or tip-toeing around the mountains of discarded munchies (what a waste in a hungry world!) while navigating your exit, but I am not one of them – and to all those nameless, downtrodden and underpaid cinema staff out there, you deserve far better consideration and respect.

Yeah, maybe I am showing my age but it was not that many years ago that if I or any of my pals left such a snail trail behind us, not only would we have been hauled over the coals by cinema management, but that would pale in comparison to what our mortified parents would have dished out. It is therefore even more mortifying to discover the tribes of little darlings being accompanied by doting parents who don’t even give the disgusting detritus in their wake a second glance or comment. This is not setting a good example for children or for anyone else about taking self responsibility, let alone showing respect or consideration for others. And if you don’t believe this, just try going into a public theatre near you some time soon and take a look…preferably during matinees…

Like A J Dormaar’s style? Check out her latest release “The Rival”, following the hilarious pawprints of a spoiled cat fighting his mistress’s no-good boyfriend for mastery, is now available via

Don’t forget the following books for all fantasy lovers over the age of 10! For all you fans of epic high adventure, you can’t go past these ones!


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