Learning with Lemmings – or so it seems!

Published July 11, 2014 by alisondormaar

Is it just me or is the world going crazier by the day? I am a bit scared that I am finally turning into my mother, as the days certainly seem to rush past faster and faster and I do find I am increasingly intolerant of many things I used to just brush aside with aplomb.

Some time ago I voiced to my local GP the opinion that I was in some kind of manic race – the human race – not the biological race of flesh and blood, but in some mad mass frenzy that is sending over 7 billion of us over the edge. You read about all the upheaval, religious and political, see the global corruption, the rampant unemployment still all so present throughout the world, the terrible social injustice, overcrowding, the cynical self interest of the mega corporations and you just want to be the proverbial ostrich, burying yourself in the sand. Or you could join the so-called survivalists, arming yourself to the teeth and painting yourself like Rambo, heading for the remote hills and barricading yourself into a nuclear bunker to await the end of the world. All rather pointless really, because if you seriously think about it, if the world ever got to that critical state, life really would not be worth living and you would have all the scum of the earth prowling around your encampment, ready to bump you on the head for what you have. Besides, I am inclined to believe that God is pretty much in control, no matter what we idiotic humans seem to do or believe!

But whether or not you subscribe to this view, it does seem to me that we have a suicide mentality. With the rampant and tireless march of technology, we rush like the proverbial lemming to the cliff’s edge, desperate to be among the first over, not sure why we are tearing towards an uncertain future but just frantic to be the first to get there and hoping someone or something will catch us when we hurl ourselves off the cliff. We have ipads, tablets smart phones,iphones, laptops, ipods, Kindles,etc etc and with all this technology that is supposed to make life easier, you just about need to take a full time degree to keep pace with it all..and I for one ask all of you out there, just how did humanity cope BEFORE all this was ever invented? Our forebears clearly did something right, and no, they never thought they’d die for the lack of Twitter or Facebook or wonder how to use the thumb for things apart from texting. No wonder so many of us suffer from stress and depression!

I am a writer. Writing is my escape, as I can create characters in worlds with scenarios that do not have to subscribe to the norm. And I will continue, now and forever, to write as I see fit, and if all goes well, perhaps I can help change a few lives for the better apart from my own.

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B matter what you may believe, it certainly does seem tha

2 comments on “Learning with Lemmings – or so it seems!

  • Thanks for that. I agree with everything you’re saying, and have been thinking the same thing myself. We can’t turn back the fact that at this point the whole world can be destroyed by man. I’ve come to the conclusion this is part of the process which will lead to the second coming.


    • Thank you for your comment, Kathleen. My housemate – a very devout soul and well read on Biblical literature – is of the opinion that the second coming won’t be until at least the next century, but history has a way of proving us all wrong and for events to happen very, very quickly when we least expect them. I believe it says very clearly in Revelations that Christ will come “like a thief in the night” and indicates that everyone will be happily going about business as usual. To me that signals that the world won’t be in a state of nightmarish apocalypse like many believe, but pretty much like it is now. You never know!!!!


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